Maintenance work for Sprinters from April.

All done on Grass.

Warm-ups.                  Jog gently round grass pitch/park

Drills.                          Usual drills and any extra stretches.

Strides.                       Strides 1 – 6 over about 40m.  (Or 1 – 5 if too slippy for top speed)

Sprints.                       1 Set of 4 x fast 60s with walk back recovery. (or whatever distance you can do at                                    speed)   5 mins recovery including stretches.  10 Roll downs. 15secs each side hamstring stretches.    10 shoulder lifts or circles. Back stretches.

Tempo runs.                3 x 30sec runs at stride 4-5 pace with 5 mins between runs.  Include stretches.

Plyometrics                 1 set of 10m  hop on left leg.  Return to start hopping on right leg. Hop for height                                      50 speed skips alternate feet as if running.    

 Speed Endurance       2 Sets Back to Back 60m 6 runs per set, 15secs turnround recovery between runs.                                    3 mins between sets.

 Warm down run.      5 mins cross country running with fast bursts of 30secs and driving up any hills you                                                               encounter then final 5 mins at warm-down jog pace always in sight of parent or companion.

Warmdown                Stretches – hamstrings, shoulders, back and soleus. 

———————————————————————————–                                                                                                                       CIRCUIT – Thursday or Friday evenings.    All done indoors.

Warm-ups Jog on spot for 2 mins using arms.

Drills on spot  10 knees-up.  10 bottom-kicks.10 straight leg lifts (can-can).                        

10 jumping jacks with arms overhead.

Circuit 5                      5 press-ups

                                    5 Roll downs from sitting, rolling back then up before touching floor.

                                    5 Squats

                                    5 Shoulder lifts                                    

                                    5 Jumping Jacks

                                    Whole circuit done 5 times through with 1 min rest between circuits.

Circuit 3                     Sit down, lift legs with bent knees and shoulders up to balance on bottom for 15sec                                 5  x push up onto toes quickly then lower down very slowly. 2 x 15secs each side hamstring holds.                                                                                                                 This circuit done 3 times through continuously.

Stairs or Step-ups       8 runs up stairs, with WALK back down OR 16 step-ups each leg.

Warm-down stretches – do each one 3 times through for 10 secs each.

 Sitting – legs straight out, toes up to ceiling, back straight stretch forward.

2.Lie on back, arms over head, stretch hands away from feet.

3.Turn onto hands and knees, – happy cat, angry cat done very slowly. (30secs continuously).

4 Sit back against wall, put soles of feet together, hold feet and allow knees to gently flop towards floor.