Prior to joining the club prospective members are invited to participate in a couple of training session, free of charge. We would however advise you to contact one of our coaches prior to coming along. Details on our contacts page.

The Stewartry Athletics Club have moved to a system of Annual Membership for Athletes joining the club, and this period starts from the end of November each year.

As a result of this current members, and prospective members, are asked to complete the membership form, available to download at the foot of this page, and return the form with appropriate membership fee to  Raymond Henry. Before signing the membership form, both Athletes and Parents should read the code of conduct sheets which are also available to download below.
Membership for this year is set at £30 for individual members and £50 for a family membership.

Please not all proceeds go directly toward the running of the club, including affiliation fees and equipment costs etc. No coaches or committee members receive any renumeration and all time and transport costs are given free of charge.

Members are also required to complete a Bank Standing Order of £10 per month to cover the cost of Track Hire, this form is also available to download below.